Takulandirani ku WITH
Kulimbikitsa Maphunziro a Zamalonda a Azimayi ndi Atsikana mu Zokopa alendo ku Sub-Saharan Africa
Opindula ndi Pulojekiti ya WITH:
Atsikana (zaka 18-35); Aphunzitsi a sukulu za VET, Aphunzitsi a sukulu zina, kuphatikiza omwe ali pantchito zokopa alendo komanso kuchereza alendo.
Opindula ena mu maiko a ku SSA:
Sukulu za VET zaboma ndi za pulayiveti, ndi ena omwe amapereka maphunziro a VET. Mabungwe a zamalonda, za maluso, othandizira anthu a bizinesi ndi zina zotero.
Okhudzidwa ena:
Ochita malonda, eni mabizinesi ndi alangizi a zamalonda (makamaka azimayi), komanso makampani ndi mabizinesi omwe amagwira ntchito zokopa alendo. Opanga mfundo ndi ziganizo pankhani ya VET ndi ntchito zokopa alendo m'maiko a ku SSA kuphatikiza ma unduna ndi mabungwe aboma, komanso okonza mfundo, ma pulani ndi ziganizo pamlingo wapadziko lonse lapansi (EU ndi Africa).
1. Kulimbikitsa atsikana
pa luso lachikhalidwe kuti apambane ngati ochita malonda ndi eni bizinesi mu ntchito zokopa alendo..
2. Kuthandiza aphunzitsi a VET
pokonzanso chidziwitso chawo ndi machitidwe awo mogwirizana ndi zofunika pa msika wa ntchito ndi machitidwe apadziko lonse pa ntchito za chitukuko ndi ntchito zokopa alendo komanso kupeza njira zatsopano zoperekera maphunziro a VET.
3. Kulimbikitsa ndi kudziwitsa anthu
pa nkhani za ntchito zokopa alendo zokhazikika monga gawo la mapulogalamu a VET ndi maphunziro ena motero kupangitsa akatswiri azamalonda, ndi eni mabizinesi kukhala othandizira pachitukuko chokhazikika m'maiko a SSA.
4. Kulimbikitsa
njira zoperekera maphunziro ndi maluso a VET ndi kulimbikitsa mwayi wophunzira pochita mwayi kudzera mu kulumikizana kokhazikika pakati pa mabungwe aboma ndi mabungwe omwe amachita za VET ndi ena okhudzidwa komanso ogwira ntchito pamsika wantchito.
Kulimbikitsa Maphunziro a Zamalonda a Azimayi ndi Atsikana mu Zokopa alendo ku Sub-Saharan Africa
Zotsatira Zoyembekezeredwa
Zida Zophunzitsira za Pulojekiti ya WITH
Ndondomeko zophunzitsira za WITH
Tsamba la Maphunziro la WITH
Pulogalamu Yophunzitsa Aphunzitsi ya WITH
Buku la Aphunzitsi la WITH
Lipoti la Maphunziro a Aphunzitsi mu Pulojekiti ya WITH
Lipoti la Maphunziro a Atsikana ndi Azimayi
Electronic Newsletter 2
The WITH project has reached an important milestone with the implementation of the Capacity-Building Programme for VET trainers in May 2024. The Capacity-Building aimed to equip trainers with new pedagogical...
Electronic Newsletter 1
WITH is a two-year initiative that aims to skill and empower a new generation of climate and sustainability conscious women intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and business owners to succeed in the tourism...
Celebrating Milestones and Fostering Connections: WITH Information Sessions and Networking Events in Malawi and Uganda
Equip Consulting Group and Gift Women Link Foundation, partners of the Project, organised information sessions on 2nd and 17th May in Malawi and Uganda, respectively. The events aimed to raise...
Kuthandiza aphunzitsi a sukulu za VET pa ntchito zokopa alendo: Kukwaniritsa Ntchito yophunzita aphunzitis mu Pulojekiti ya WITH
The WITH project has reached an important milestone with the implementation of the Capacity-Building Programme for VET trainers in May 2024. The Capacity-Building aimed to equip trainers with new pedagogical...
Kuzindikira ndi Kumvetsetsa Ndondomeko Zoyenera Kutsatidwa pa Ntchito Zokopa alendo ku Malawi
The WITH Project is timely for the Malawi tourism industry as it aims to skill and empower a new generation of climate and sustainability conscious women intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs and business...